Browse Items (8552 total)

Photograph of Girls Fencing
Photograph of two girls fencing together taken in 1936.

Photograph of George Raab
Photograph of George Raab. Art director at Millikin University. Photograph taken in 1923.

Photograph of General Joffre's visit to Decatur, IL. in 1917.
Photograph of Marshall Joffre standing at back of train with other visitors to Decatur, IL. during WWI, May 1917.

Photograph of Gambling Raid
Photograph of a gambling raid in 1936.

Photograph of Gambling Probe Grand Jury
Photograph of the grand jury for a gambling raid in 1936.

Photograph of Future Site for Brush College #2 School
Photograph of building site for Brush College #2 with Spencer Kellogg (ADM) in background.

Photograph of Frank L. Bickes
Photograph of Frank L. Bickes; died Aug. 21, 1936. Decatur contractor for 50 years. He was a member of the old Decatur Volunteer firemen. He served as a paid fireman when the Fire Department was established.

Photograph of Francis Rogier and his wife.
Photograph of Francis Rogier, opera singer and his wife. Photo was used in the Decatur Herald on 3/6/1949.

Photograph of Firehouse #3
Photograph of Firehouse #3 at 1261 N. Main St. in Decatur. Date unknown.