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  • Tags: Vandeventer Studio

John H. Park
Photograph of John H. Park; (died 6/8/1926) resident of Harristown for many years. He was for many years a traveling salesman. He first sold for the Haworth Wagon Factory in Decatur and later for other concerns. He retired from the road in 1900 but…

William Niedermeyer
Photograph of William Niedermeyer; (died 9/25/1914). Decatur grocer for many years. He conducted his grocery store in the rear of his home at 646 W. North from about 1893 until he sold out in 1913. He was prominent in Macon Co. Old Settlers' Ass'n…

Jerry P. Nicholson
Photograph of Jerry P. Nicholson; (died Feb 25, 1917). He was first elected Macon County Sheriff in 1894. From 1906 to 1910 he served as a deputy. In 1910 he was again elected sheriff. After his first term as sheriff expires he was street…

Mary A. Nesbitt
Photography of Miss Mary A. Nesbitt; (died 5/8/1937). First Woman optometrist in Illinois. She practiced optometry for 32 years before she retired in 1925. About 1907 she went to South Dakota and homesteaded for awhile. She came back to Decatur and…

Henry C. Mowry
Photograph of Henry C. Mowry; (died in 1908). Prominent grain dealer of Forsyth, Illinois. In 1867 he bought an elevator in Forsyth. About 1895 he sold out to J. B. Good and later Good sold to the Shellabarger Elevator Co. Photo by VanDeventer of…

Joseph Mills
Photograph of Joseph Mills (died July 6, 1913). Veteran Decatur lumberman. He bought land at the corner of N. Main and William Streets in 1853 and started a carpenter shop. He was a contractor and building until 1878. During this time he erected,…

F. J. McDonald
Photograph of F. J. McDonald (died Oct 26 1916). He was a breeder of high grade Jersey Cattle and won many prizes at livestock shows throughout the country. He was a bridge contractor in early life and also owned a dairy for several years.

Ervin P. McCune
Photograph of Ervin P. McCune (died 11/24/1951). Illinois Power Co. employee 45 years, retiring in 1948 as superintendent of the steam heat department. Came to Decatur Dec. 1, 1903 t take charge of Decatur plant of Decatur Railway & Light co. as…

Sherman J. McClelland
Photograph of Sherman J. McClelland (born 1/12/1864; died 6/14/1945). In whole sale grocery business from 1888-1928, later going into real estate and insurance. Member and past president Millikin University board of managers. Former manager of the…

Edward D. Mattes
Photography of Edward D. Mattes (died June 28, 1946). Former operator of the Decatur Brick Co. he was a son of Frederick Mattes who founded the Mattes & Sons brick yard. It was later incorporated as Decatur Brick co. He then became general manager of…