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Circulation Funding Report - 2009

These are the circulation funding reports for 2009. The following months are included: January, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and December. The funding is listed per department.

Circulation Graft by Department 1985-1990 Decatur Public Library

This is a comparison circulation graph for the Decatur Public Library from 1985-1990 broken down into the following departments, total circulation, extension, main library, adult, AV, children's, and young adult.

Circulation Graphs - 1971-1973

This is a selection of graphs showing the circulation of materials in the new building for the fiscal years of 1971/1972 and 1972/1973.

Circulation of McNaughton Collection 1991-1995

This is the circulation statistics of the McNaughton collection for 1991-1995. Statistics are show by month for these years.

Circulation Reports - 2011

These are the circulation reports for 2011. Months included are April, August, February, January, June, March, May, and July. Topics included code, allocation, description, annual budget allocation, YTD spending, currently encumbered, % spent and…

Circulation Reports - February, March, and January - 2012

These are the circulation reports for February, March and January of 2012. Items reported were YTD allocations, annual budget, allocation description, code, currently encumbered, percent spent and encumbered, percent spent, unexpected balance, and…

Circulation Statistics - December 2010

This is the circulations statistics report for December 2010. Items included were description, annual budget, current month spending, YTD spending, currently encumbered, percent spent plus encumbered, percent spent, unexpended balance, available…

Circulation Statistics for 1995

This is the circulation statistics for 1995. It show information on the central library and extension libraries. Print and Non-Print stats are shown as well. Total is given in each area and for the year. May and April 1995

Circus Elephants
Photograph of elephants walking down the street in Decatur during the June 1948 circus.

Circus-Putting Up Tent
Photograph of a circus tent being put up on June 11, 1936 in Decatur.