Browse Items (29 total)
- Tags: 1953
Illinois Central Railroad Station Plat Map - Eldorado St. to Hickory St. (8/12/1953)
Tags: #8.003, 1953, 8/12/1953, A.W. Cash Valve Co., Calhoun St., Carvers' Addition, Center St., Cerro Gordo St., Clayton St., Clinton St., collection, Condit St., Decatur Housing Authority, Decatur IL, Eldorado St., Esplanade St., Front St., Grand Ave., Hickory St., ICRR, ICRR freight house, ICRR yards, Illinois Central Railroad, ISHRAB-2017-25-57, Leafland Ave., Locust St., map, Maps, Marietta St., Maryland St., Maurer Distributing Co., McClelland Grocery Co., Moorehouse and Wells Warehouse, Morgan St., Orchard St., Pearl St., Pennsylvania RR, Prather's Addition, Railroad Ave., Railroad Map Collection, Rath Packing Co., Sangamon St., Short St., Sol Tick Warehouse, Stapps Subdivision, station plat map, Swift & Company, Tastyee Bread Bakery, Tracks, Wabash, Wabash Ave., Wabash freight house, Wabash machine shop, Wabash RR, Wabash yards, Walrus Manufacturing Co.
Photos Decatur Warehouse and Moving Co.
Photos of the Decatur Bottling Company.
Photo Curve Inn
Tags: 1953, Al Dreschel, BS1023, Business, Clyde Shaw, Irene Shaw Huff, Keith Huff, Route 48, Tavern, The Curve Inn
Photograph of Hickory Point School, 1953.
Photographs of Decatur High School 1950's.
Tags: 1950, 1951, 1953, 1958, automobiles, Buses, Decatur High School, Decatur IL., Franklin Street, North Street, Schools, Students, Two-Way Traffic
Photograph of a Wabash R.R. New Train
Tags: 1953, car, Cars, Decatur IL, engine, Herald and Review, New Train, Photo File: Railroads, railroad, Railroads, train, train car, Train Cars, Trains, Wabash, Wabash R.R.
Photographs of Wabash R.R. Steam Locomotives Undergoing Salvaging
Tags: #2211, #660, 1953, Decatur IL, Herald and Review, Locomotive, Locomotives, Photo File: Railroads, railroad, Railroads, Salvage, Salvaging, Steam, train, Trains, Wabash, Wabash R.R.
Photograph of the Wabash R.R. Roundhouse with Locomotives
Tags: 1007, 1154A, 1953, Decatur IL, Diesel, E-7, Herald and Review, Locomotive, Locomotives, Photo File: Railroads, railroad, Railroads, Roundhouse, train, Trains, Wabash, Wabash R.R.