Browse Items (18 total)

  • Tags: Broadway St.

Illinois Traction, Inc. Right of Way and Track Map - N. Main St. to N. Woodford St. (12/31/1928)

This right of way and track map shows the Illinois Traction and Illinois Central Railroad tracks between N. Main St. and Woodford St. Illinois Traction, Inc. was operated by the Illinois Terminal Company.

Photo of East Decatur Street From Broadway Looking East and photos of Decatur Street looking west from Jackson. Aerial view of streets surrounding E. Decatur Street.
Photograph of East Decatur Street from Broadway Looking East, brick paved with a boulevard. Photos of E. Decatur Street west from Jackson Street, photo ran Review, 11/27/1910. Aerial view of Decatur Streets taken 4/23/1961.

Photograph of a Decatur High School Postcard
Photographs of a Decatur High School postcard from an unknown date. This is the first high school building, built in 1869 at Broadway and North Streets in Decatur before the second high school was building was built on N. Franklin Street in 1911.

Wabash Railroad Right of Way and Track Map - McClelland Ave. to Wabash Yards (6/18/1953)

This right of way and track map shows the Wabash track and yards in 1953. The map goes east from McClelland Ave. to the Wabash yards, and shows the streets and businesses in between. It also shows the Illinois Central Railroad track, the Illinois…

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Wabash Railway Station Map: Lands, Tracks and Structures - Monroe St. to Wabash Yards (6/30/194?)

This station map shows the Wabash Railway tracks from Monroe St. to the Wabash yards.

Wabash Railway Station Map: Lands, Tracks and Structures - N. Monroe St to Wabash Yards (6/30/1919)

This station map shows the Wabash Railway's lands, tracks, and structures between N. Monroe St. and the Wabash yards.