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Dorothy Austin's Oral History
Tags: 1984, Austin family history, Benjamin Austin, Betty Turnell, Blue Mound IL, Bookkeeper, cashier, childhood, Decatur IL, Dennis School, Dorothy Austin, Eleanor Warnick, family history, February 1984, first automobile, former students, George Muirhead, Hieronymous Mueller, interview, J.C. Penney Store, Longview Housing Project, Mary W. French School, Millikin University, Mr. J.C. Penney, Mr. Ullrich, Mrs. Ewing, Oakland School, oral history, Principal, recording, retirement, Roosevelt Junior High School, Stephen Decatur High School, Teacher, teaching, Ullrich School, University of Illinois, William Austin
Donald Oppedal's Oral History
Tags: 1985, Aging Advisory Commission, Betty Turnell, Bible school, brain surgery, Construction Battalion, Decatur IL, Decatur Senior Citizen Council, Donald Oppedal, early life, emergency appendectomy, emergency caesarean, family life., German Submarine Alley, Great Lakes Naval Base, Jacksonville FL, Jim Crow law, Korean War, Lake Shore Naval Reserve Center, landing ship tank, Master Chief Hospital Corpsman, May 1985, medical assistant, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, Naval Air Force, Office on Aging, Ombudsman for nursing homes, one-room school, oral history, Oran Algeria, racial relations, recording, retired, Sea Bees, St. Albans NY, Stanhope IA, surgical assistant, US Navy, Vietnam War, World War II
Donald Muirhead's Oral History
Tags: 1985, A.E. Staley, Betty Turnell, blood bank, Blue Mound IL, changes to farming, childhood, Clinton IL, consolidated high schools, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Donald Muirhead, Dr. Herbert Bavor, Elwin-Mt. Zion black-top, expansion of airport, family life, farmer, Farmers for Adlai, Harristown IL, IL, Illinois Association of County Officials, interview, Long Creek Township, Louise Mueller, Macon County Board of Supervisors, November 1985, oral history, pro rata cost, recording, Red Cross, retirement, rural electrification, school, soybeans, Staley Company, State Board of Education, tornado, Volunteer, Wapella
Mr. Donald E. Minton's Oral History
Tags: 1974 tornado, 1988, Army, Betty Turnell, cabinet-making, Chief, Decatur Fire Department, Decatur High School, Donald E. Minton, Japan, natural fire causes, Norfolk and Western Railroad explosion, November 1988, Oakland School, oral history, recording, retired, Staley Company, Walrus Manufacturing Co., wood-working, Woodrow Wilson Junior High School
Don Lawson's Oral History
Dean Mesnard's Oral History
Tags: 1986, accounting, April 1986, Avon Theater, Bazley's Meat Market, Beach House, Betty Turnell, Bijou Theater, Brintlinger Funeral Home, broken home, Bryn Mawr PA, business major, C.L.U., changes to Decatur, Chartered Life Underwriter, childhood, College of Life Underwriters, contractor, Dean Mesnard, debit company, Decatur Club, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Decatur Memorial Hospital, Dr. Beadles, Empress Theater, Fairview Park, family life, financial planning, G.I. Bill, Great Depression, heating engineer, inflation, insurance office, interview, Lake Decatur, life insurance, Life Underwriter's Training Council, Lincoln Apartments, Lincoln Hotel, Mary W. French School, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Millikin University, mow lawns, mutual companies, old gravel pit, oral history, painter, Piggly-Wiggly, Prof. Glen Smith, Pythian Home, rake leaves, recording, Roosevelt Junior High School, salesmanship, Shinner's Meat Market, shovel snow, Steven's Creek, stock companies, swimming, Texaco Light House, Texaco Tower, Transfer House, Williamson Heating Company of Cincinnati, Woodrow Wilson Junior High School, workmen's compensation, World War II
David Satterfield's Oral History
Tags: "Iron Man" Joe McGinnity, 1983, A.E. Staley Manufacturing Company, A.E. Staley Sr., Baseball, Betty Turnell, Boy Scout camp, Charlie Dressen, Chicago Bears, corn starch, cream corn starch, David Satterfield, Decatur IL, Decatur Memorial Hospital, Decatur Staleys, DMH, fabric softener, Football, George Halas, interview, January 1983, Lake Decatur, Millikin University, oral history, recording, soybeans, Sta-Puff laundry, Staley Bears, Staley building, Staley Company, Staley Library, Staley Pancake Syrup, staley swimming pool, Staley teams, Staley Viaduct, Staley wing, Wagner fruit drinks, YMCA
Clarence Sowers' Oral History
Tags: 1st contract, 8th grade education, Amusement Park, automobile mechanic, bricklayer foreman, bricklayers trade, bull ring, casino, catholic schools, changes in construction, changes to Decatur, childhood, Churches, Construction, Cuba tour, customer loyalty, Decatur IL, Dreamland Park, Fairview Park, family, Florida, freight foreman, future of Decatur, garden, Great Depression, Hawaii, health issues, Indiana, interview, Jasper County IL, Juarez, Linn & Scruggs building, Lodge, Macon School, Mexico, Nassau Bahamas, oral history, Pennsylvania Railroad, photography, recording, retirement, Sarasota FL, shoveling coal, Staley Company, Streetcars, Travel, union, Wabash Railroad, wildcat whistle, World War I, World War II, WPA workers, WWI, WWII
Charlotte Wait Holder' Oral History
Tags: 14-room house, 815 W. Main St., Amusement Park, Arcade Hotel, automobile, Barn, Bermuda, Betty Turnell, Bicycle, Blue Book, Bob Hope, Buick, changes in Decatur, Charlotte Wait Holder, childhood, Citizens Building, clubhouse, Country Club, cruise ship, Decatur Club, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, department stores, Downtown, Dreamland Lake, Dreamland Park, England, Ethel Barrymore, Fairview Park, fashion, fire, Fishing Club, Florida, Ford Model T, France, Gebhart Store, golf, golf house, Gushards Store, high-top shoes, horse, Interurban station, interurbans, interview, Italy, Jerusalem, Lemonwood School, Lincoln Highway, Lincoln Theatre, Mary French School, Medira, men's club, merry-go-round, Miami FL, Michigan, New York, New York City, Ohio, oral history, Powers Opera House, Powers Theatre, private club, recording, road markers, roller coaster, Roosevelt Junior High School, ship, South Side Country Club, Southmoreland, Spain, stage plays, Stewarts Store, Streetcars, summer vacation, swimming lake, swimming pool, tennis court, tire blow outs, train, Transfer House, Wait-Cahill Wholesale Company, wholesale drug and notions store, winter vacation, Wood St. School