Browse Items (8646 total)

Photograph of the William Warnick Homestead
Photograph of the William Warnick Homestead. This house, seven miles southwest of Decatur, was built by William Warnick after 1833, and became known as the "Thirty-Three Mile House" when owned by John Eckle and used as part of his tavern property to…

Photograph of 860 W. Wood St.
Photograph of 860 W. Wood St. taken April 14, 1946.

Photographs of 1574 W. Wood St.
Photographs of the Woodson House at 1574 W. Wood St. taken January 13, 1936.

Photograph of 1310 W. Wood St.
Photograph of 1310 W. Wood St. This house was built in 1908 by Dr. A.R. Taylor, former president of Millikin University. In 1913 it was sold to the Kappa Delta Chi fraternity and later occupied by Sigma Alpha Epsilon when the two fraternities merged.…

Photographs of 360 E. Wood St.
Photographs of 360 E. Wood St. This house was built by W.P. Shade in 1894. In 1946 it was sold to Lawrence W. Price and Edgar E. Evans, veterinarians, by Lewis W. Shade, son of W.P. Shade. It was remodeled and then used as an apartment house before…

Photograph of 1345 N. Water St.
Photograph of 1345 N. Water St. This house was built by Dr. R.L. Walston. It was left to Harry B. Ziegler who later sold it to Blanch V. Shriver. Mrs. Shriver sold it to Paul G. Kashefska in 1945 and he sold it to Fred M. Byers in 1946. In 1947 Mr.…

Photographs of 1769 N. Water St.
Photographs of 1769 N. Water St. This house was built by Milton Johnson, Sr. in 1892. It was sold to Frank L. Suffern in 1911. In 1954 it was an apartment house.

Photograph of 878 W. William St.
Photograph of 878 W. William St., taken October 19, 1946.