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  • Tags: N. Water St.

Wabash Railway Station Map: Lands, Tracks and Structures - N. Monroe St to Wabash Yards (6/30/1919)

This station map shows the Wabash Railway's lands, tracks, and structures between N. Monroe St. and the Wabash yards.

Photos of the J. C. Penney Store and Staff
Photograph of the J. C. Penney Co. Store and street. Photograph of the J. C. Penney Staff wearing striped jackets. Photograph of the J. C. Penney Co. store.

Photograph of N. Water St. at the 900 Block
Photograph of N. Water St. at the 900 block at King Anson Packard's home. He owned an 80 acre farm bordered at Broadway, now Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, on the east, Water on the west and extending south from King. This photo was made in the…

Photo of corner where Millikin National Bank once stood.
Photograph taken at the corner of E. Main and N. Water Streets where Millikin National Bank once stood. Photo taken Aug. 1996.

Illinois Traction, Inc. Right of Way and Track Map - N. Main St. to N. Woodford St. (12/31/1928)

This right of way and track map shows the Illinois Traction and Illinois Central Railroad tracks between N. Main St. and Woodford St. Illinois Traction, Inc. was operated by the Illinois Terminal Company.