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Interior of the Tyler Cottage at the Fishing Club
Photograph of the interior of the Tyler Cottage at the Fishing Club. The photo was taken on September 22, 1907 by J.K. Stafford. It is part of the J.K. Stafford Collection. The Fishing Club became the South Side Country Club.

Interior of the Clubhouse
Negative of the interior of the South Side Country Club clubhouse on June 4, 1941.

The Inside of Cottage #66
Photograph of the inside of cottage #66 at the South Side Country Club.

Photo of the interior of the post office building.
Photograph of three men seated left to right: Fred W. Gray, W. W. Kyle and Fred C. Stoewsand, assistant post master.

Photo of Eisner Grocers
Photograph of Eisner Grocery Store No. 1 located at 345 W. Eldorado Street, Decatur, IL.

Photos of Grace Methodist Church, North Main Street.
Photograph of Grace Methodist church, front entrance. Photograph of Grace Methodist, people on their way to church. Photograph of the exterior of Grace Methodist church. Photograph of exterior of Grace Methodist church and class rooms. Photo of theā€¦

Photos of Millikin Homestead Interior and Art Class
Photographs of the first floor hallway at the Millikin Homestead. Photograph of Cherubs on second floor landing. Photograph of ladies attending an art class at the Millikin Homestead.

Photographs of 300 W. Prairie Ave.
Photographs of the exterior and interior of 300 W. Prairie Ave. taken in 1969 and 1970.

Photos of Houses on 919 W. William Street Interior
Photographs of the interior of house at 919 W. William Street, built by Thomas T. Roberts. Photos were taken in 1997.