Browse Items (73 total)
- Tags: fire
Photo of Newman's Clothing Store and Fire in 1950.
Businesses - 161 N. Main St. - Quigles Furniture Store
Tags: Augustus Murry, Bachman Brothers, Calendar of Historical Events, Centennial History of Decatur and Macon County, Charles and Ida Bachman, Charles Caldwell, Charlotte Meyer, Cheryl Peck, city directories, city directory, D. Brintlinger, David Miller, David Petrina, Decatur Diary, Decatur Herald and Review, Decatur Public Library, Elevator, Erie Shaffer, fire, Franklin and Mary Priest, Hawkins and Davis, History, James and Sally Renshaw, John Keckley, Linn and Scruggs, obituaries, Obituary, Peter and Carrie Perl, photos, R. C. Rosen Architect, R. E. Strongman Architect, Rodger Quigle, William and Elizabeth Mitchell, William Shaffer
Email concerning publication of Library Contract on City Web Site. February 2011.
Charlotte Wait Holder' Oral History
Tags: 14-room house, 815 W. Main St., Amusement Park, Arcade Hotel, automobile, Barn, Bermuda, Betty Turnell, Bicycle, Blue Book, Bob Hope, Buick, changes in Decatur, Charlotte Wait Holder, childhood, Citizens Building, clubhouse, Country Club, cruise ship, Decatur Club, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, department stores, Downtown, Dreamland Lake, Dreamland Park, England, Ethel Barrymore, Fairview Park, fashion, fire, Fishing Club, Florida, Ford Model T, France, Gebhart Store, golf, golf house, Gushards Store, high-top shoes, horse, Interurban station, interurbans, interview, Italy, Jerusalem, Lemonwood School, Lincoln Highway, Lincoln Theatre, Mary French School, Medira, men's club, merry-go-round, Miami FL, Michigan, New York, New York City, Ohio, oral history, Powers Opera House, Powers Theatre, private club, recording, road markers, roller coaster, Roosevelt Junior High School, ship, South Side Country Club, Southmoreland, Spain, stage plays, Stewarts Store, Streetcars, summer vacation, swimming lake, swimming pool, tennis court, tire blow outs, train, Transfer House, Wait-Cahill Wholesale Company, wholesale drug and notions store, winter vacation, Wood St. School
Mrs. Erma Wait Cook's Oral History
Tags: 1985, Anna B. Millikin Home, August 1985, Betty Turnell, changes to Decatur, childhood, Country Club, Decatur High School, Decatur Hotel and the Arcade, Decatur IL, Erma Wait Cook, fire, Interurban, interview, junior high school, Lincoln Theatre, Mary French School, Millikin University, Morehouse and Wells, Mrs. George Cook, oral history, Packard automobile, recording, St. Nicholas Hotel, stage plays, streetcar, Transfer House, Travel, vaudeville, W. Main St., Wait-Cahill Wholesale Company, Women's Club, Wood Street School